If you’re an entrepreneur or a busy professional and you’re working 12-16 hours a day, it may be difficult to find the time to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee accompanied by a good book or article. When was the last time you had the time to sit down for hours on end and read?
For me it's a matter of efficiency and productivity, which is why I stopped reading as much after I graduated from college. But, I realized there are many times during the day in which you're performing a mundane task and instead of listening to white noise, you could be "productive" and learn about new topics and ideas by listening to an audio book or podcast! I'm talking about when you're driving, cleaning, waiting for something, even when you're at your desk working on tasks that don’t require too much cognitive overhead.
I'm actively looking for podcasts on specific topics to listen to. Just name anything and you'll find a podcast on the subject. Business, marketing, entrepreneurship, faith, philosophy, etc!
Since I’m a lover of podcasts, I recommend you subscribe to a few of my favorites. These are some of the best on various topics ranked high on iTunes. Give them a listen and feel free to comment below with some recommendations if you have any.
The List
1. Perpetual Traffic by Digital Marketer
Perpetual Traffic is run by two of the leading agencies in the direct response digital advertising space. Frank and Keith from Dominate Web Media and Molly from Digital Marketer crush it every week on the latest strategies and tactics on digital marketing. One of my objectives this year is to become a better direct-response marketer and this is my weekly go to. I don't miss an episode.
2. The Art of Charm Podcast
As a business person, it is crucial to develop both hard and soft skills. How you communicate, your body language, and how you interact with individuals around you matter almost as much as what you are trying to communicate. The Art of Charm is the leading podcast that dives deep into these topics. The AOC also cover topics on attraction and relationships.
3. The EntreLeadership Podcast
This podcast is a product of Dave Ramsey's leadership course. It features leaders and CEOs of large companies to speak on the areas of business and leadership. I don't listen to this one often, but whenever a famous leader or episode seems interesting, I check it out.
4. Ask Science Mike
This podcast is on faith and religion. Some of the episodes are a little out there if you're more of a conservative Christian, but what I like about this podcast is that Mike is authentic in his answers and takes on challenging questions submitted by listeners from his scientific and Christian world-view background.
5. The Storybrand Podcast
I've been a fan of Donald Miller ever since his first book, Blue Like Jazz. Though one might think this podcast is on writing and literature, it's actually based on marketing. Donald tells us a compelling story about how he discovered the challenges businesses face in effectively communicating with their audience and labels a framework into how to overcome the communication barrier. Great content here.
6. The Startup Chat
The Startup Chat is produced by two famous Silicon Valley startup founders, Steli Efti and Ethan Shah from Close.io and KissMetrics. This podcast includes rants and answers questions about the everyday startup founder. Challenges faced and courses of action to take. If you're into tech startups or want to start one… subscribe to this one.
7. Morgan Page
Music plays an important role in your mood. I subscribe to Morgan Page's podcast mix when I want to get 'in the zone' and crush some serious work or a workout :wink: He drops of killer beats that'll get you moving.
Alright folks, that's my list of my top 7 podcasts you need to subscribe to if you want to be a well rounded individual.